If You Own a Small Business, This App Could Be A Game Changer

Lying on the Beach On Camera with Steve Greenberg and Lois Whitman-Hess

In this episode Lois Whitman-Hess and Steve Greenberg are Lying On The Beach On Camera with the CEO behind the social media marketing app Ripl.

Clay McDaniel is the CEO of Seattle-based Ripl, Inc.

Ripl is a year-round, 24/7 affordable social media tool allowing small businesses to develop animated content for a strong social media presence.

Sort of what WordPress is to setting up a blog, Ripl is to video content creations.

Simply put, Ripl is like the Swiss Army Knife of content creation and distribution for small businesses.

It’s all about helping small business make a BIG impression on social media.

Lying On The Beach
Lying On The Beach
If You Own a Small Business, This App Could Be A Game Changer

It’s Called A Press Event, Let’s Keep It That Way

Young influencers take over press event.

More and more journalists are talking about not attending certain press parties and conferences because the focus is no longer on them. The rooms are now filled with way too many “here today, gone tomorrow,” social media influencers. They are the ones who are getting “first class” accessibility to new products and scoops.    Watch out corporate America and event planners. If you keep treating editorial writers and broadcasters like second class citizens, you will find yourselves without high profile coverage. TV personality Steve Greenberg and PR rep Lois Whitman discuss the dilemma. 

Lying On The Beach
Lying On The Beach
It’s Called A Press Event, Let’s Keep It That Way

Paranoia “Likes” Syndrome

Steve Greenberg, a monthly Today Show contributor, and TV personality on 20-plus morning news shows around the country and Lois Whitman-Hess the co-owner of HWH PR, and author of the blog DigiDame, discuss their lack of “likes” on social media. 

The two of us often commiserate that we don’t get enough “likes” on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, to show the rest of the world that we matter. We are both proud of our accomplishments, but not with the number of likes we get. We know we are not alone. Millions of people feel the same way.


Lying On The Beach
Lying On The Beach
Paranoia “Likes” Syndrome

